Shipping Container Vertical Farm At Your Home – Everything you need to know before starting

You must have heard about Shipping container vertical farming by now. If not, no worries. In this article, I will give all the basic information that will clear all the doubts.

Shipping container vertical farm is a sustainable modern farming technique in this era of extended urbanization. It conserves approximately 90% more water compared to traditional field farming. This modern farming techniques solve the problem of limited fertile land.  It also removes the adverse effects of bad weather like storm, untimely rain, heatwave etc.

Let’s get through the nitty-gritty of the shipping container vertical farm

What Is Shipping Container Vertical Farming?

Vertical Farming is a new-age farming concept. Here, farming takes place in a shipping container.

In a small land, this technique can be used for the production of large amounts of crops. Because you can extend the land vertically by stacking up racks one above another.

Inside the shipping container, you can control the temperature,  environment and soil or water nourishment conditions. It removes the risk of climatic disruption. Also optimizes the uses of land/space by extending the land usage vertically. 

Farm production takes place in an artificially controlled environment inside the shipping container. That way you can produce different kinds of crops and increase the farm output.

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How Does It Work?

Inside a shipping container, you can use below farming methods.

i) Hydroponics

The hydroponic system is present-day farming method. Here, water is used growing medium instead of soil.

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Inside reusable shipping containers, we can use Hydroponic system to grow mainly small leafy green vegetables and herbs.  

In this soilless growing method, the roots of the plants are submerged in nutrient-rich water. 

I the below table I have explained all the tools and machines you need and their purpose. 

Items requiredPurpose
Grow TrayPlants’ roots are submerged in the nutrient-rich solution in the grow tray.
ReservoirThe nutrient-rich solution is stored in the reservoir. 
When the grow tray is filled with the solution, the excess nutrient solution is drained back into the reservoir.
PumpBy using the pump, the solution reaches the grow tray and is drained back into the reservoir.
TimerThe timer helps to screen the individual requirement for a nutrient-rich solution for the plants depending on the size of the plant as well as the growth cycle.
CoolerFor maintaining the indoor temperature of the farm.
DehumidifierFor the hydroponic shipping container farm, 60-70% of humidity is required. Installation of a standalone dehumidifier will provide the desired climatic condition.
LightsRed and blue LED lights are used as the artificial light source(because sunlight is absent).
VentilatorInstallation of an inlet fan and exhaust fan will work as a ventilator of the farm. The number of fans depends on the size of the farm.
Table: Tools and Machines required
Diagram of a hydroponic system

ii) Aeroponics

In Aeroponics, plant roots are suspended in the air. This is another modern technology-based system of agriculture. 

In this system, the roots of the plants are continuously hydrated through the mist of nutrient-rich solutions. A fine sprayer is used to spray the solution to the roots of the plants.

You must ensure enough amount of oxygen should reach the roots of the plants. Allowing an adequate amount of airflow helps in the healthy growth of the plants.

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Amongst all other contemporary farming systems, aeroponics is the most efficient farming system because it uses 90% less amount of water in comparison with traditional and other modern technology-based farming systems.

The amount of fertilizers used is 60% less compared to traditional field farming. Aeroponics yields 40-45% more agricultural production. 

Diagram of an aeroponic system

iii) Aquaponics

This method of farming is a combination of aquaculture and hydroponics.

In aquaculture, fish are grown in a separate fish tank.

Fish waste produced in the fish tank is full of high nutrient content(especially ammonia). This works as nutrients to grow plants in a separate grow-tray.

Nitrifying bacteria convert ammonia from fish waste into nitrites and subsequently to nitrates.

Under the hydroponic system, Fish waste-enriched water circulates in the grow tray. Plants absorb nutrients from the water.

Diagram of an aquaponic system

Source: Check this link to leaern more.

shipping container vertical farm InfoGraphics

Advantage Of Shipping Container Vertical Farming

Please find the advantages below:

i) Limited Space Requirement

In shipping container vertical farming, plants are grown in the shipping container.

You can increase the height of the farm by adding vertical racks.

Extension of farms will not occupy more acreage of land.

This farming technique requires limited space. But don’t compromise the quantity of production. It is an add-on advantage of shipping container vertical farming.

ii) Higher Yield

In this system, the growth cycle of a particular item can be reduced. This results in the increased chance of repetition of farming a singular crop. As such, through the system, the farmers can get higher yields of a special crop. 

Continuous monitoring and screening reduce the chance of crop waste due to disease, contamination, and external attacks. This is another reason for getting higher yields from the system.

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iii) Conserve More Water

The usage of water is also monitored in the shipping container vertical farming system. There is an inbuilt system in the farm to restore the excess water which is reusable. Research states that in this system, water usage can be reduced by more than 90% compared to traditional farming.

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iv) Productivity Throughout The Year

In this system, plants are growing in a controlled environment through automation. As such, with the help of the equipment, the seasonal crops can get the ideal growing condition throughout the year. 

v) Offers More Job Opportunities

A skilled labor force can run this technology-based farming process smoothly. Due to the advantage of having proper know-how on the technology, this particular labor force will be offered higher payments than that of traditional farming. The temptation of higher earnings from these farming techniques will encourage others to engage in farming. This results in more job opportunities.

vi) Alternative Method Of Farming

The emergence of shipping container vertical farms can be considered an alternative method of farming. It removes the burden on the traditional method of farming. 

vii) Sustainability

It offers a sustainable method of farming.

The underlying system behind the farming process is very strong. Continuous vigilance reduces the chances of being unsuccessful.

Disadvantages Of Shipping Container Vertical Farming

Please find the disadvantages below:

i) High Energy Requirement

Providing the ideal climatic conditions for the plants artificially throughout the year requires high energy consumption. This results in higher electricity bills. However, this problem can be mitigated by adopting solar systems, rainwater reservoirs, etc.

ii) Complex Technology

Growing plants in a shipping container and scaling them by vertical layers, installing automation for artificially created ideal climatic conditions for the plants’ growth, depends on complex technology.

iii) Requires Skilled Labor

To handle the complex technology of shipping container vertical farming, the labor force is required to be imparted proper training. That skilled labor force is required to make higher payments which results in a higher cost burden.

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Take Away

I hope I have cleared all the doubts on this topic – shipping container vertical farms. If you are interested in other agricultural methods or types of vegetables and herbs suitable for your home garden then go through my other articles from the related post section(below) or recent post section(top-right).

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