How to control pests organically? – Keep Your Plants Healthy Naturally

Hey there! So, you’ve got some pesky critters causing trouble, huh? 

Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! When it comes to kicking those pests to the curb, doing it organically is not only better for your health but for the planet too. I’m talking about natural solutions that won’t harm the environment or your furry friends. 

From planting the right buddies to using homemade sprays, there are loads of tricks up our sleeves to keep those pests at bay without reaching for the chemicals. 

Let’s dive into the world of organic pest control and discover how to tackle those unwanted guests with a green thumbs-up!

How To Control Pests Organically

Keeping your vegetable garden lush and thriving can be a rewarding experience, but pesky critters like shoot borers, fruit borers, and aphids can quickly turn your green haven into a battleground. However, fret not! With a little know-how and some organic remedies, you can bid farewell to these unwanted guests while keeping your garden chemical-free.

Use Neem kernels

The key to tackling caterpillars and other leave-eaters like borers, aphids, mealy bugs, whiteflies etc. lies in harnessing the power of neem kernels. 

Begin by removing the outer seed coat and using only the kernel. Depending on the freshness of the seeds, you’ll need either 3 kgs or 5 kgs of kernels. 

Gently pound the kernels and tie them in a cotton cloth. 

Soak this overnight in 10 liters of water, then filter to obtain 6-7 liters of extract. 

Dilute 500-1000 ml of this extract with 9 liters of water. 

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For enhanced adhesion, add soap solution at a ratio of 10 ml per liter before spraying. Adjust the concentration based on the pest intensity.

How to control pests organically Use Neem kernels

Garlic, chili, and ginger extract

Another effective remedy involves a concoction of garlic, chili, and ginger extract. 

Mix these in a 2:1:1 ratio with 1 liter of water. 

Stir well and filter before spraying. For every 500 ml of this extract, add 100 ml of soap solution and 9.4 liters of water, then apply to the affected areas.

How to control pests organically Garlic chili ginger extract

Cow dung extract.

For the garden nuisances like Leaf Beetles, Pod-Sucking Bugs, and Epilachina Beetles , turn to cow dung extract. 

Mix 1 kg of cow dung with 10 liters of water. 

Filter the extract with a gunny cloth, then add 5 liters of water to the filtrate and filter again. The result will be a clear solution ready for spraying onto your plants.

How to control pests organically Cow dung extract

By employing these organic control measures, you not only safeguard your vegetables from harm but also nurture a healthier ecosystem in your garden. Say goodbye to chemical pesticides and hello to a greener, more sustainable approach to pest management. With a little effort and the power of nature on your side, your vegetable garden will thrive, free from the tyranny of pests. Happy gardening!

Non-Chemical Organic Pest Control Measure

 Light Trap:

A light trap is a non-chemical method used to attract and capture nocturnal pests such as moths and beetles. It typically consists of a light source placed above a funnel or container. When the light is turned on at night, insects are drawn to it and then fall into the trap, where they can be collected and disposed of the next morning. Light traps are particularly effective for controlling flying pests in outdoor areas without harming beneficial insects or the environment.

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How to control pests organically Light Trap

Yellow Sticky Trap:

Yellow sticky traps are simple yet effective tools for monitoring and controlling flying insects such as aphids, whiteflies, and fungus gnats. These traps consist of yellow-colored cards coated with a sticky adhesive. The bright yellow color attracts flying pests, and once they land on the sticky surface, they become trapped. Yellow sticky traps are commonly used in greenhouses, gardens, and agricultuAral fields to monitor pest populations and reduce their numbers without the need for chemicals.

How to control pests organically Yellow Sticky Trap

Bird Perches:

Bird perches are natural pest control agents that attract birds to your garden or farm, where they help control insect populations by feeding on pests like caterpillars, aphids, and grasshoppers. Installing bird perches encourages birds to visit your property, providing them with a convenient vantage point from which to hunt insects. By attracting birds, you can create a balanced ecosystem where natural predators help keep pest populations in check without the need for chemical interventions.

How to control pests organically Bird Perches

Hand Picking Method:

The hand-picking method involves manually removing pests from plants by hand. This labor-intensive but highly effective technique is particularly useful for controlling large insects like caterpillars, beetles, and slugs. Simply inspect your plants regularly, and when you spot pests, carefully pick them off and dispose of them in a bucket of soapy water or by crushing them. While hand picking requires time and effort, it’s a non-toxic way to manage pest infestations, especially in small-scale gardens or organic farms.

How to control pests organically Hand Picking Method

Neem as Pest Repellent:

Neem is a natural insect repellent derived from the neem tree (Azadirachta indica). It contains compounds that repel and disrupt the growth and reproduction of pests. 

To use neem as a pest repellent, you can pound neem leaves, neem cake, or neem kernels.

Place the pounded neem in a pot and add double the volume of water, then tie the mouth of the pot with a cloth and leave it for three days. 

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Afterward, place the pots on all four corners of your garden. Opening the mouth of the pots in the evening releases a foul smell that deters pests from entering the field, providing a natural and non-toxic pest control solution.

Final takeaway!

In embracing non-chemical pest control methods, we not only protect our crops and gardens but also safeguard our health and the environment. From light traps to hand picking and natural repellents like neem, these sustainable solutions offer a greener, safer, and more harmonious approach to pest management.

I’ve addressed all your concerns about How can I control pests organically. If you’re curious about other cool farming methods or the best veggies and herbs for your home garden, check out my other articles in the related post section below or the recent post section at the top-right.

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